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ニューノーマル(新しい生活様式)な経験 〜 Internal Hack Day 17

先日アスクル/一休/PayPay/ヤフー/ZOZOテクノロジーズで共同開催した、企業内ハッカソンイベント「Internal Hack Day」参加者からの寄稿記事を紹介します。

また今回の著者所属企業のブログ、PayPay PRODUCT BLOG(外部サイト)もぜひご覧ください。

Please find the original English after the Japanese translation.


今回初めて、Yahoo! JAPAN Internal Hack Dayに、Zホールディングスグループ企業(アスクル、一休、ZOZOテクノロジーズ、PayPay)が招待され、PayPayからは、Karan、Shrey、JohnRey、Stefanがチームとして参加してきました。







日本のハッカソンに魅せられたポイントは、2日でハードウエア製品を作ることへの関心の高さで、Raspberry PIなどがあるにもかかわらず、それを作るにはかなりの労力が必要です。日本のハッカソンでハードウェア製品を作った方が有名だったり、好まれたりしています。



  • Stefan:iOS, Vue
  • Johnrey:iOS, Vue
  • Karan:Platform, Presentation
  • Shrey:Vue, Platform

Day 01 - UIプロトタイプ

参加者全員参加の元、Zoomのオンライン開会式でHack Dayの幕が開きました。皆もうすっかり「在宅勤務」には慣れており、ニューノーマルのワークスタイルとして自然な感じがしました。開会式後、さっそくタスクが開始されました。今年は「新型コロナによる新しい生活様式、これにまつわる社会問題を解決する」です。




Hack Dayで、プロトタイプを開発するために使用した技術は、以下の通りです。

  • Firebase:ミニマルなバックエンド
  • Webアプリ:Vue.jsを利用したシンプルなWebサイト
  • iOSアプリ:ネイティブビデオ編集機能を提供するプロトタイプ

Day 02 - インテグレーション

2日目は、各パートをつなぐ作業に打ち込みました。Hack Dayは、各企業のインフラの使用を許可しており、作業時間終了後は、アプリを使ったPayPay決済のデモを見せることに成功しました。








PayPayチームメンバー全員、Internal Hack Day 17の全体を通して、最高に楽しい時間を過ごしました。今年はオンラインの開催でしたが、それでも十分にソーシャルなイベントの手ごたえを感じました。Zホールディングスの他の企業の人々と交流できましたし、来年はできれば対面で、また参加させていただきたいと思います。Internal Hack Day 2021も、企業の垣根を超えたチームビルディングの利点を生かし、もっともっと知識を共有しながら交流を深めたいと思います。楽しかったです。来年また、お会いしましょう!


Internal Hack Day 17 - the "new normal" experience

For the first time ever, other companies of Z Holdings (Askul, Ikyu, ZOZO technologies and PayPay) were allowed to join the Yahoo! JAPAN Internal Hack Day. Following this announcement, we - Karan, Shrey, JohnRey, Stefan of PayPay - decided to participate as a team.

After getting in contact with the organizers, we immediately got invited for a team member matchup and onboarding session of the event. During this Zoom meeting we were divided into teams to discuss ideas and find team members with comparable interests.

Why we decided to attend this event?

In the current global pandemic situation, the “new normal” is taking over the world. We have previously attended hackathons which were mostly confined to a specific location. Even though there is a charm to those events, like free food, the spirit of hackathon still remains even in “new normal”. It was the first time for most us to participate in a hackathon from home and a special event.

Hackathon in Japan vs. rest of the world

Since our team members were originally from different countries, we do get a diverse view of such events. One of the writer of this blog has participated in hackathons in 3 different countries, and from his account, there are similarities and differences between each country. Without naming any country, the spirit of hackathons remains the same throughout the world. You participate, you meet people, you network, you share ideas, you drink RedBull, you eat Pizza, you take turns for sleeping, you implement a product, you pitch, and sometimes if you are lucky you win, however winning part mostly does not matter, no one remambers the winner of hackathon a couple of years later, only the friends that you make and the memories you create during the hackathon remain forever. One of the key things which we were fascinated by hackathons in Japan, is their interest in making hardware product in 2 days, it requires a lot of efforts to build a hardware product, and even though we have Raspberry PI, etc. now, still making a hardware product takes in more efforts however it is more famous or preferred to do a hardware product in a hackathon in Japan, probably something we would try ourselves, next time!

Team Structure

Since all team members belonged to different teams at PayPay, everyone contributed in their own way for the hackathon. The hackathon was a learning experience for us.

  • Stefan:iOS, Vue
  • Johnrey:iOS, Vue
  • Karan:Platform, Presentation
  • Shrey:Vue, Platform

Day 01 - UI Prototype

The Hack Day started in the same way, with an online opening ceremony on Zoom that all participants attended. As we were already getting used to this “working from home” situation, it felt like the new normal way of working.
After the ceremony it was time to get started. This year’s task was to “Solve social issues under the new normal due to COVID-19”.

All of our team members work in different teams at PayPay and we did not have a definite idea on what to develop. When the hackathon first stated, we thought about the “New Normal” and how it affects people at large. The current pandemic condition has affected everyone in various ways. People losing their jobs, their lifestyle, their relationships, their diet, their health comes at the very end. We spend the first 1.5 hours to discuss about this, finalize our idea and to see what everyone can contribute to the project. We have decided to develop something odd, that we might not do in our daily work that also helps people stay healthy and additionaly help an industry that suffers from financial losses in consequence of fewer customers. As the project might get published in the future, we decided to not fully disclose what we developed to prevent leaking the idea publicly.

We have used the following technologies for developing our prototype during the Hack Day:

  • Firebase: Minimal backend
  • Web App: Simple website using Vue.js
  • iOS App: Detailed prototype offering native video editing functionality

By the end of Day 01, we have finished a basic UI prototype of what we wanted to achieve.

Day 02 - Integration

On the second day, we were primarily working on connecting all parts together. At Hack Day using company infrastructure was allowed, so after the time was over we could successfully present a demo that was also supporting PayPay payments within our apps.
(Image: PayPay payment - UI blurred)


On Monday it was time for the big presentation event, which was also streamed as online meeting. Every team was allowed to present their idea for 90 seconds. Even though it was a remote event with 28 teams showing their really innovative and useful projects, the event was running smoothly and on schedule.


After the short pitches, all teams were available in virtual showrooms for evaluators and interested people to come by and see their demos in detail. At the end, the best projects got awarded by Askul, Ikyu, PayPay, Yahoo! JAPAN and ZOZO technologies for their great work and creativity.

Key Learnings from Hackthon

PayPay’s strength in diversity

Working with colleagues across different teams was a key learning for most of us. We could utilize the strengths of the members, and compensate the weaknesses by standing united as a team.

…See you next year

Everyone in our team was having a great time over the course of Internal Hack Day 17. Even though it was held online this year, it felt like a social event. We could meet many new people from other companies of Z Holdings and look forward to joining again next year - ideally in person. At Internal Hack Day 2021, we would also like to take advantage of the cross-company team building to improve knowledge sharing and getting to know each other better. 楽しかった and see you next year.


  • 学びがある
  • わかりやすい
  • 新しい視点


Stefan Painhapp
PayPay Corporation, Software Engineer
Shreyansh Pandey
PayPay Corporation, QA Tech Lead
